Owned and operated by the Town of Princeton, Princeton Regional Airport has undergone significant improvements and development over the last four years thanks to a visionary municipal council and an active and dedicated Airport Committee.

The Princeton Regional Airport continues to grow; plans for hangars are under review. 


There is currently un-serviced airport land in proximity to the terminal building and fuel station available for hangar and storage leasing.

The Town of Princeton is currently undergoing servicing strategies for two locations for future aircraft maintenance and storage hangars. It is contemplated that full services (water, sewer, power) will be provided in a multi-phase development.

Airport property would be available for your development on a long term lease. 

Please contact:
Gary Schatz - Director of Economic Development    
Town of Princeton
P.O. Box 670, 151 Vermilion Ave
Princeton, BC    V0X 1W0
Tel: 250-295-3135

10-Year Feasibility Study - Executive Summary

This Feasibility Study is intended to be a guide for:
  • The long term objective to develop the airport as an economic engine for the region.
  • Jobs and business creation.
  • Expansion and diversification of area tourism.
  • A new funnel for Provincial and Federal funding into the area.
  • Maintaining control of the Airport while still leveraging partnerships to assist in its development.
  • Establishing long-term, economic self-sufficiency.
  • Continuing to develop a community sense of pride, importance and ownership in the Airport.
This Feasibility Study does not contain a detailed financial analysis describing the impact of the marketing strategy on the Airport. Rather, the intent of this preliminary business strategy is solely to focus on the "structure" of a Feasibility Study, with an assessment of its financial impact to be contained in future iterations by "The Radical Application of Common Sense."
There are many physical, legal, environmental, public and other development constraints that impact the Airport Business Development Strategy. As development of business on the Airport proceeds, the impact of these constraints will emerge and modifications to the Feasibility Study and strategy will be necessary.
Land use at the airport is impacted by federal, provincial and local government regulations and bylaws, including, but not limited to:

Federal: Aeronautics Act, Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, River Estuary Management Programs
Provincial: Agricultural Land Commission, Environmental Management Act, Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks regulations governing building in a flood plain, Ministry of Municipal Affairs Growth Management Policies
Regional: Livable Region Strategic Plans
Local: Town of Princeton Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws
While the proposed Feasibility Study recognizes the impact of these governing regulations, no specific reviews of these or other legislation has been undertaken.
All monetary references are expressed in constant 2006 dollars.

William R. Neale & Associates Ltd.

Airport Land Use

The Princeton Regional Airport is currently undertaking a land use review to develop a comprehensive land use master plan. This plan will include land use designations for aircraft storage, maintenance hangars, commercial buildings and a residential air park. The master plan will include infrastructure expansion and phased development plans.

For the current land use plan status, contact:

Gary Schatz - Director of Economic Development    
Town of Princeton
P.O. Box 670, 151 Vermilion Ave
Princeton, BC    V0X 1W0

Tel: 250-295-3135